Background Jobs in Rails: Explore Efficiency, Sidekiq and Resque
Working with Background Jobs in Rails: Efficiency studies with Sidekiq and Resque
In the web development world, efficiency is the king. Irrespective of the complexity the task that the users are doing, they expect the website and applications to respond quickly. On the other hand some operations can be very slow like sending emails, processing large datasets, or working with external APIs. Synchronous completion of these tasks within request-response cycle can hurt user experience.
To solve this issue, developers use background job processing. Background jobs provide developers with a facility to move out long-running tasks to separate processes, which execute independently of the main application. This also means that the user experience would be snappy and responsive even during computationally intensive operations.
Background job processing is mostly implemented using gems like Sidekiq and Resque in the Ruby on Rails ecosystem. This article explores how these gems work and how they can be used in Rails applications for effective handling of long running tasks.
Understanding Background Job Processing
Prior to exploring Sidekiq and Resque in more detail, let’s understand what background job processing is. Basically, background job processing, consists of performing tasks in an asynchronous manner out of the main request-response cycle of a web application. This enables the application to remain responsive to user requests regardless of longer-running tasks.
When a background job is triggered, it is queued for processing by one of the worker processes. The worker grabs jobs from the queue and processes them in the background. After a task is done, the result can be saved, returned to the user, or used to fire additional actions within the application.

Introducing Sidekiq
Sidekiq is a highly efficient and popular background job processing framework for Ruby that utilizes multithreading. It is based on top of Redis which is a fast and reliable in-memory data store and thus acts as a backend for job information storage and job queues management.
Simple usage is one of the main benefits of Sidekiq. Typically, the integration of Sidekiq into a Rails application starts with the addition of the Sidekiq gem to the Gemfile, configuring it to use a Redis server as a backend and then defining workers to perform specific tasks asynchronously.
rubyCopy code# Gemfile
gem 'sidekiq'
# config/sidekiq.yml
:concurrency: 5
# app/workers/my_worker.rb
class MyWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(*args)
# Perform time-consuming task here
With Sidekiq configured and the workers defined, you can queue jobs from within your Rails application using the perform_async method:
rubyCopy codeMyWorker.perform_async(arg1, arg2)
Exploring Resque
Resque is another well-known background job processing system for Ruby applications. However, in contrast to Sidekiq that is based on multithreading, Resque uses multiple worker processes to implement concurrency. It also uses Redis as its backend to hold job information and queues management.
To add Resque to a Rails development, the process imitates the one for Sidekiq. To utilize Resque in your application, add it to the Gemfile, configure it to use a Redis server, and define workers to execute background jobs.
rubyCopy code# Gemfile
gem 'resque'
# config/initializers/resque.rb
Resque.redis = 'localhost:6379'
# app/workers/my_worker.rb
class MyWorker
@queue = :my_queue
def self.perform(*args)
# Perform time-consuming task here
To enqueue jobs with Resque, you’ll use the enqueue method:
rubyCopy codeResque.enqueue(MyWorker, arg1, arg2)
Comparing Sidekiq and Resque
Sidekiq and Resque are both powerful tools for implementing background job processing in Rails applications, however, they are different in terms of performance, scalability and ease of use.
Performance and Scalability:
Multithreading approach of Sidekiq helps it achieve higher concurrency and performance than the multiple worker processes of Resque.
Sidekiq is optimal for applications with high throughputs and performance needs on the other hand Resque would serve best for simple applications where multi-threading is difficult to implement.
Ease of Use:
Sidekiq is appreciated for its simplicity and easy integration with Rails applications. Its API is simple and configuration is minimal.
Resque is a bit more setup and configuration than Sidekiq, but it’s still quite easy to work with, especially for those who are already familiar with Redis and background job processing.
Monitoring and Management:
Sidekiq comes with the built-in web interface that is used to monitor job queues, job execution tracking as well as to debug issues. This is particularly useful for debugging and management of background job processing in production environments.
Resque also provides a web interface for supervision and control of queues but it might not be as stylish and feature-rich as the one of Sidekiq.
Background Job Processing Best Practices
Regardless of whether you choose Sidekiq or Resque for background job processing in your Rails application, there are some best practices to keep in mind:He held out his stick.
Keep Jobs Simple and Idempotent: Background jobs should do one thing, and one thing only, and be idempotent where practical. It makes that they can be re-tried safely in case of failures.
Handle Errors Gracefully: Always implement error handling and retry mechanisms in your background jobs to deal with transient failures and make sure that your jobs are reliable.
Monitor Job Queues: Leverage the monitoring interfaces that are native to Sidekiq or Resque to track job execution, queue sizes, and potential bottlenecks or performance issues.
Scale Appropriately: Keep a watch over your background job processing infrastructure performance and scale as required to support growing workload and keep response rate.
Optimize Performance: Profile and tune your background jobs to minimize the execution time and resource utilization. This may require making the database queries more efficient, cutting down on external API calls, or making tasks parallel where they can be.
Job processing in the background is very essential part of modern web applications that help developers to efficiently deal with time consuming tasks and at the same time provide a responsive user experience. Tools such as Sidekiq and Resque offer rich functionality for implementing background job processing in Ruby on Rails applications. Each of these gems has its own particular strengths and considerations.
Your selection between Sidekiq due to its simplicity and performance or Resque due to its scalability and flexibility does not matter, but the introduction of background job processing into your Rails application can really enhance its efficiency and robustness. By implementing best practices and by monitoring job execution, you can keep your application responsive and resilient under high load conditions.
Implementing either will depend on a multitude of factors and we are here to help you make that decision.