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Creating a RESTful API with Ruby on Rails

Creating a RESTful API with Ruby on Rails

In this dynamic realm of web development, developing an effective and reliable API is crucial to enable interaction between various services and platforms. It is a great choice to build RESTful APIs using Ruby on Rails because of its excellent and developer-friendly frame. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will show you how to develop a RESTful API in Ruby on Rails with authentication and validated data.


Before creating your RESTful API, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Ruby and Rails: Install Ruby and Ruby on Rails on your system. You can check your Ruby version with ‘ruby -v’ and Rails with ‘rails -v’.
  2. A text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) of your choice.
  3. Postman or a similar API testing tool for interacting with your API.

Step 1: Create a New Rails Application

In order to get started, open your terminal and run the following command to create a new RoR application:

This command creates a new Rails application in API mode with PostgreSQL as the database. You can replace ‘YourApiName’ with your desired application name.

Step 2: Set Up Authentication

For authentication, we’ll use the popular gem Devise. To add Devise to your Gemfile, open it in your text editor and add the following line:

Save the Gemfile and run the following commands to install Devise and set it up in your Rails application:

This code installs Devise, generates a User model with authentication features, and performs a database migration.

Step 3: Create API Endpoints

Now, let’s create your API endpoints. In this example, we’ll create endpoints for managing a list of items.

Generate a controller for the items:

In your ‘config/routes.rb’ file, define the routes for your API:

These routes define standard CRUD operations for items and add authentication routes for user management.

Step 4: Data Validation

For data validation, you can use Rails validations in your ‘Item’ model. Open the ‘app/models/item.rb’ file and add validation rules as needed. For example:

Step 5: Testing Your API

It’s crucial to test your API to ensure that it works as expected. Use Postman or a similar tool to test the authentication and data manipulation endpoints you’ve created.

  • To register a new user, send a ‘POST’ request to ‘/users’ with ’email’, ‘password’, and ‘password_confirmation’ parameters.
  • To log in, send a ‘POST’ request to ‘/users/sign_in’ with ’email’ and ‘password’.
  • For items, you can use the standard CRUD operations: ‘GET’ for retrieving, ‘POST’ for creating, ‘PUT/PATCH’ for updating, and ‘DELETE’ for deleting.

Step 6: Securing Your API

  • To secure your API, you can use token-based authentication with the ‘devise-token-auth’ gem or implement OAuth 2.0 using gems like ‘Doorkeeper’ or ‘Devise + Doorkeeper’.
creating restful API with ruby on rails


Congratulations! You have made a Ruby on Rails RESTful API with authentication and data validation. Thus, we can use this API as the basis for a number of applications – mobile apps and web services. As you move along with the development and optimization of your API, ensure its best-practices compliance by seeking other functionality in addition to security controls so that all needs are met. Happy coding!

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